Toyota Land Cruiser 300 V6 Gxr-8 7 Seaters / Places 3.3 L Turbo Diesel - Automatic (ref : 3244)
73 000 EUR
The Toyota Land Cruiser 300 V6 are benchmark 4x4 vehicles, offering a perfect combination of power, comfort, and elegance. These models are designed for professionals seeking reliable and high-performing vehicles for demanding missions. Available in stock and ready for quick export, the Land Cruiser 300 V6 ensure a comfortable drive on all types of terrains.
Most wanted :
1589 D, Chaussée de Waterloo - 1180 Brussels - Belgium
Tel : +32 2 352 01 31 - Fax : +32 2 352 01 51
TVA : BE 0424.019.365